Nominated monthly by the Instructors, Students of the Month will have demonstrated Samurai Kickboxing’s core values such as resilience, determination, confidence, focus & discipline

There will be a Student of the Month selected by the area's Instructors:

Bucks & Berks - Instructors Alex, Kelly, Mike, Raph & Tarkan
Herts - Instructors Kelly & Mike
Dorset - Instructors Amanda & Luca
Jersey - Instructors Matt & Ryan

Students are presented with the Student of the Month belt to wear in their classes for the remainder of the month.

A big congratulations to you all!


Bucks & Berks Imogen Ryalls - dedication to practising her techniques & improving massively on balance & strength including her press-ups. Starting Sparring sessions with much bigger students!
Bucks & Berks
Bucks & Berks Lily-Mae Hill-Cooper - amazing attitude in class & always showing patience & encouragement with the Little Samurai's during the lesson while remaining focused on her own learning


Bucks & Berks Yaseen El-Shirbiny - a hardworking student who recognises his mistakes & tries his best to fix them. He displays a lot of patience with the younger students & always encourages them in games & activities. He's a very polite & respectful member of the class
Dorset Merlin Clapppassion & effort towards his kickboxing progression & great etiquette in class
Jersey Maryam Marshall-Morin - all classes attended with a great attitude & willingness to learn & it shows in his performance
Bucks & Berks
Dorset Leah Johnston - long term commitment to her classes & consistent hard-work, a positive attitude towards learning & helping others learn
Jersey Jasper Le Masurier - amazing sparring against a taller & higher belt level. Always has positive energy in class
Bucks & Berks Dolcey Allen massive improvement in balance, coordination & effort & generally just being so positive during class
Dorset Patrick Vincent - big improvements in concentration & behaviour & a hard-working attitude
Bucks & Berks Sophie Mellors - persevered with her Kickboxing despite being disappointed about Grading
Dorset Martha Blyth - great focus & hard work during class. Martha supports & helps the younger students during class, showing maturity & initiative
Jersey Oscar Do Nascimento - great attitude in sparring. Taking a knock, taking some time then confidently taking centre stage & putting some good rounds in!
Bucks & Berks Dorothy Parker - always gives 100% in her training & takes every session very seriously. Respectful & disciplined in her performance
Dorset Beatrix Norman - hard work & focus at camp resulting in her successfully passing her grading
Jersey Tyler Ali - taking on responsibilities of coaching, teaching & supporting others at camp & his public speaking has improved greatly
Bucks & Berks Amelia Woodward - constantly looking to improve her technique with a fantastic attitude towards others & consistently always so polite!
Dorset Christopher Dibben - excellent concentration & a hardworking attitude. Brilliant progress during camp leading to him earning his Green Stripe
Jersey Tiago De Freitas - new to camp & a pleasure to have him as he was energetic, enthusiastic & progressed loads!
Bucks & Berks
Thea Wheeler - progression in confidence & technical ability, helping out during classes & being a joy to teach!
Mila Read - adapted extremely well to being in a class with older students & working hard which has led to a double grading this term. Shows excellent technical ability & maturity for her age
Theo Anders - building up the courage to complete & pass his grading 
Bucks & Berks
Shiv Chopra - hard work towards his black belt grading & helping students during camp
Corey Newton - brilliant attitude during class. Great etiquette. Hard work & determination towards his orange belt
Finn Ferguson - great determination learning techniques, very willing to teach others. Always has his hand up when questions are asked!
Bucks & Berks
Charlotte Ryalls - consistent effort & practise in & out of class & massive progression in ability
Phoebe Payne - excellent progress in her sparring skills, outstanding attitude towards her classes & very impressive progress made with her kicks
Caleb Figueroa - a huge improvement in focus & applying techniques to a higher standard
Bucks & Berks
Jayan Johal - demonstrating huge amounts of resilience,dedication, passion & positive spirit towards his training, resulting in a huge improvement to his technique
Daniel Hunter - outstanding effort & technique
William Jones - improved his technical skills a huge amount this term. While he wasn't ready to grade, he took it in his stride & carried on working hard. His turning kicks are especially good - he is one of our highest kickers in Samurai Kickboxing Dorset!
Alfie Fox - consistent 100% effort, always listening, positive attitude & applying everything he is taught
Bucks & Berks
Jude Foley - assistance, perseverance, effort, dedication, & improvement of his ability which has to lead to a quick achievement of his next belt
Martha Gilson-Joyce - big improvement in technique & effort 
Willow Gregory - practicing at home to improve her skills in preparation for her Grading. Shown great improvement in class with her coordination & always gives it her all during class
Oliver Bourke - consistent good behaviour & commitment to Kickboxing
Bucks & Berks
Emilia Wierzgacz - always comes to class full of cheerfulness & positivity. She has amazing energy during warm ups, tries really hard with her exercises & strives to perfect her techniques each week. Emilia is a popular member of the class & is a pleasure to teach
Charlotte Jia - excellent behaviour in class & maximum effort
Sienna Knight - is always attentive & hard working during class. Even when there may be distractions she remains focus on the task at hand. She displays excellent technical ability and power for her age
Jersey Leo Anderson - being brave & showing commitment to Kickboxing which has helped him overcome challenges


Bucks & Berks
James Collier - since James starting attending the Samurai Elite class, there's been a massive improvement in his side-kicks. Excellent commitment & effort
Rose Alexander - a brilliant positive mental attitude towards her Kickboxing
Isabelle Watson - has an outstanding passion for kickboxing. She has been to nearly every camp we have held in Dorset & won a gold medal in the sparring competition at the Dorset Tournament. She has also just recently received her Purple Belt
Gabrielle Clapham - great maturity & focus in her Kickboxing class
Bucks & Berks
Toby Taylor - for effort, perseverance & commitment with his training
Herts Katie Cooper - showing great technical improvement in her Kickboxing
Cameron Riddell - is very committed to his classes & is always willing to show his best. He has been with Samurai for a couple of years now & has shown these qualities throughout his time with us. His hard work has also meant he is of high technical ability & has just passed his Orange Stripe Grading
Harrison Szeifert - showing great improvement through continued persistence in his Kickboxing

Bucks & Berks

Oliver Hammond - always turns up early to class so he can practice his techniques & has such a positive attitude to his learning


Joshua Hart - exemplary behaviour & effort in class


Abbigail Chant - excellent example for other students, consistently showing maturity & discipline


Tyler Ali - overcoming obstacles to achieve a great performance in his Grading


Bucks & Berks
Frankie Fisher - shown great maturity by helping less able students in the class with their pad work. She has also shown patience, kindness & encouragement which has helped them learn & develop their kickboxing techniques
Jake Newton - excellent etiquette & attitude in his classes. Shows clear pride & humility in the sport & has excellent technical ability
Jersey Ethan Camara - vastly improved attitude towards his training
Bucks & Berks
Oliver Clutterbuck - dedication & persistence with his training as well as his no quit positive attitude in class
Gwendolen Sullivan - mature and responsible behaviour towards learning and caring for others. Excellent display of technical ability

Eli Cabot - fantastic progression & mature attitude within the camp regarding his own training & that of younger students

Bucks & Berks
Paige Worth - excellent manners & etiquette, her attitude towards learning & she's also improved her technical ability loads in the past few months
Jacob Lewis - dedication & practise outside of class
Bucks & Berks
Saffron Riddlington-White - 
ongoing commitment to being Assistant Student Instructor. She has a lovely nature with Little Samurai students where she shows patience, understanding & encouragement. Saffron is always on time, never misses a lesson & can be relied on to help look after the students
Alexander Barrington - tremendous effort & commitment to Kickboxing
Jacob Lewis (May & June)
Bucks & Berks Isabel Parker - commitment to kickboxing & kindness to other students during camp
Leilana Talwar - excellent behaviour & effort at camp
David Rowse - awesome improvement technically and with his focus in class
Bucks & Berks
Benjamin Kotecha - despite having learning difficulties that make it harder for him to retain information, Benjamin tries really hard to focus in class & at kickboxing camp - as a result he's just earned his Yellow Stripe!
Dorset Phoebe Payne - commitment & 100% effort she puts in every month
David Rowse (March & April)
Bucks & Berks
Ethan Szekely - commitment, effort & helping other students with 1-2-1’s
Erin Warner-Lee - a brilliant camp leader, helping out with Little Samurai & setting a great example
Jersey Sage Beer - a really good attitude every session & puts in a lot of effort


Bucks & Berks
Felix Macdonald
Georgie Redley-Steer - effort and enthusiasm. She is a pleasure to teach!
Lennie Merrifield - most improved student!